BetRoyals latest offer


Jul 1, 2005
I get a call from Kevin who asks me to send 20 dimes. Kevin promises to match it. My first question to you guys is, Would I be a complete moron to take this offer If I have a contract and a middle man? My second question is why would Royal offer a con artist such a thing? Is it because they know they will never send me any $? Or is it because of the pressure I put on them, both on the forums and the phone calls? Or is it possible that Royal is admitting to being the instigator in this whole thing even though I took the wrong choice of action? No need for 2$ loyal players to respond.(redeye& Kermit)

New member
Sep 19, 2001
I am wondering if you are such a scammer why they are constantly calling you to post up again.

These people at Royal have no shame. That's no surprise since the owner has no conscience when it comes to ripping off people.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

This reminds me of Chas from CR. Why do you guys patronize his scam dealings who steal money players.

Jul 1, 2005
This is exactly my point. I would have never made up the story about the tapwes had Royal just paid me my deserved winnings. If placing bets and expecting to be paid is a scam, then yes, Im a scammer. A few of the same guys, and we know who they are, continue to ignore the fact that Royal admitted to lying about sending me my money and also slow paying me. These people seem to think that this is a sign of good character. No my friends, it is not. Good books dont lie and slow pay winners. They pay them promptly and patiently wait for the player to lose it back. Because these players are super small players, they will probably not have a problem until the day comes, and it will come, that Tej and the boys run with the money. And that includes the people who have small balances. I appreciate the fact that there are a few rational posters such as Truthteller who remember that Royal was the instigator in this matter. No real gambler would do business with such ilk in the name of " a free half point and great props. "I just got paid last week." Even if this is true, it is obvious to the victims of Royal , and serious players,that this was an unsubstantial amount to Royal or no, you wouldnt have been paid. Again, thanks for being a man of logic and commonsense!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't know about Truthteller David. He seems to support a well known scammer named Chas who steals money from players. Truthteller drinks with him.

New member
Sep 19, 2001
Boston1 said:
I don't know about Truthteller David. He seems to support a well known scammer named Chas who steals money from players. Truthteller drinks with him.

Where did I say I support Chaz?

You can find what I said exactly at

I was out one night and I saw the guy at the same place I was. You want to blame me for the guy showing up at the same bar I was at.

I was going to mention to him about owing you the next time I saw him. But you know what. Go **** yourself.

start a Rubber room thread guys or please keep the flames out of the threads thanks
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New member
Sep 21, 2004
He was an agent for Action Bets. He gained confidence with players throughout the years while he was with numerous books such as Jaguar, Rio, Cascade, etc. He led these players to believe that he was an agent but had the backing of the books. The players deposited money but never got a payout when they asked for it. Instead he would take the players remaining to another book saying that the prevoius book was no good. He burned a player from St. Louis for $70,000 according to Rio. In my case Action Bets bailed me out after being scammed by Chas. The owner of Action Bets went looking for him in CR and even tried going to his house there. Truth is he lives in CR on players' deposits. Action Bets is a great out with 8 cent lines great cs, and pay out quickly. Really appreciate their help in this matter. What I was saying earlier is that Truthteller needs to stop patronizing this guy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Maybe I am wrong in saying you hob-nob with Chaz in the bars. Why would you want to ask him if he stiffed players? Ask Jason from Action Bets or Keith for Rio/Skybook. They will tell you what you need to know.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why would you bother to waste our time with such a useless post about a useless sportsbook! You're like a thief that dares the police to catch them. WHY BOTHER?

You two are playing a cat and mouse game with each other. Only a greedy moron would deposit 20 dimes with this place. The laugh will be on you when this place goes under. Why do you think they are trying to get so many large deposits?

Jul 1, 2005
I just appreciate the fact that Truthteller sees Royal for what they started and not how I reacted. An eye for an eye baby!:party:

Dont worry, Im not depositing a penny. Im happy where I am and just wanted people to see that Royal was still trying to get the so- called scammer back as a customer. Or maybe as you say, just rip me off.:finger:

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
David1 said:
I get a call from Kevin who asks me to send 20 dimes. Kevin promises to match it. My first question to you guys is, Would I be a complete moron to take this offer If I have a contract and a middle man? My second question is why would Royal offer a con artist such a thing? Is it because they know they will never send me any $? Or is it because of the pressure I put on them, both on the forums and the phone calls? Or is it possible that Royal is admitting to being the instigator in this whole thing even though I took the wrong choice of action? No need for 2$ loyal players to respond.(redeye& Kermit)
You don't know anything about my betting patterns or how much I play. First off you don't want to be mentioning on these forums how much you play, for obvious reasons. Your last Thread on Royal you accused me of working for Royal. I told you to come down to the next bash or any other destination and tell me that to my face IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS. But you didn't answer. I will tell you this one last time. I'm not happy about people getting slow paid their. I hope they straighten things out. But, with that being said, all I can do is report how my relationship has been at Royal. They bailed me out several years ago, from Aces, That means something to me. They have always paid me on time, and I have taken good sized withdrawls, just like others have reported at times recently. Research it !! I like their props, and different lines and half point Friday. I'm sorry I'm not going along with the crowd or your thread, because if I did I would be lying. I can only report my experience and it has been good. Your act on this subject is getting old. MY Offer still stands if your going to make false accusations

New member
Sep 21, 2004
David1 said:
I get a call from Kevin who asks me to send 20 dimes. Kevin promises to match it. My first question to you guys is, Would I be a complete moron to take this offer If I have a contract and a middle man? My second question is why would Royal offer a con artist such a thing? Is it because they know they will never send me any $? Or is it because of the pressure I put on them, both on the forums and the phone calls? Or is it possible that Royal is admitting to being the instigator in this whole thing even though I took the wrong choice of action? No need for 2$ loyal players to respond.(redeye& Kermit)
Thats funny I got a call just like that from Kevin also :finger:

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
RED EYE said:
You don't know anything about my betting patterns or how much I play. First off you don't want to be mentioning on these forums how much you play, for obvious reasons. Your last Thread on Royal you accused me of working for Royal. I told you to come down to the next bash or any other destination and tell me that to my face IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS. But you didn't answer. I will tell you this one last time. I'm not happy about people getting slow paid their. I hope they straighten things out. But, with that being said, all I can do is report how my relationship has been at Royal. They bailed me out several years ago, from Aces, That means something to me. They have always paid me on time, and I have taken good sized withdrawls, just like others have reported at times recently. Research it !! I like their props, and different lines and half point Friday. I'm sorry I'm not going along with the crowd or your thread, because if I did I would be lying. I can only report my experience and it has been good. Your act on this subject is getting old. MY Offer still stands if your going to make false accusations

RedEye, dont let him get to you......He has a vendetta against royal, and provides NOTHING ELSE to this board....He is also a known liar himself, so for him to be preaching about the failings of Royal, is almost comical......

I don't dispute what happened, just the "versions" that David will try to convince u of, to fit his vendetta......

"people in glass houses..........."

Jul 1, 2005
What is your offer Redeye? are you threatening a guy who you dont know? And youre giving advice to me about not posting how much I bet. You are a joke. It was made public during the original dispute what kind of playe I was. As far as you saying I didnt respond to your threat. I sure did. I said be careful what you ask for. D ont be an idiot and challenge strangers to show up places. OOH tough guy!Show up in Vegas. What a dope! i do have a problem ewith you supporting a place that is a known scam book. The owner is a crook. I didnt invent this fact. Ask around. Newsflash Redeye,Royal admitted to lying and slow paying me. They lied for two months about my money being on the way. Do you think this is normal sportsbook practice? As far as you saying they are better now. They did this type of thing to me in 1999 too. They didnt change their ways Redeye. Call scotty at BetJamaica and he will confirm what Royal did to me in 1999. The fact that you support a known crook and his operation tells us all what Redeye is all about. We dont all jerk off to the idea of getting free half points on Friday. give me a break. You are a small player. Ask Royal. You are insignificant. why would they not pay you? Stop judging me for reacting to a situation that has never been presented to you. I was a model customer who was cheated and lied to for no reason except to avoid paying me. Yes it worked. But now everyone except dumb asses know what kind of people run Royal. Have some principal my man. Move on to a place that does not admit to slow paying winners. I promise we wont call you a fo;;ower. Dont take anything I say personally but you have no right trying to say that I tried to scam Royal. They lied and cheated me out of thousands and I reacted to this. I wanted to get them back and actually turned down their offer of admitting to lying about the tapes for 20 grand. Ask the shrink if you dont believe me. You are making a fool of yourself by supporting this crrok and his scam operation. Facts are facts.

New member
Sep 21, 2004


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
David1 said:
What is your offer Redeye? are you threatening a guy who you dont know? And youre giving advice to me about not posting how much I bet. You are a joke. It was made public during the original dispute what kind of playe I was. As far as you saying I didnt respond to your threat. I sure did. I said be careful what you ask for. D ont be an idiot and challenge strangers to show up places. OOH tough guy!Show up in Vegas. What a dope! i do have a problem ewith you supporting a place that is a known scam book. The owner is a crook. I didnt invent this fact. Ask around. Newsflash Redeye,Royal admitted to lying and slow paying me. They lied for two months about my money being on the way. Do you think this is normal sportsbook practice? As far as you saying they are better now. They did this type of thing to me in 1999 too. They didnt change their ways Redeye. Call scotty at BetJamaica and he will confirm what Royal did to me in 1999. The fact that you support a known crook and his operation tells us all what Redeye is all about. We dont all jerk off to the idea of getting free half points on Friday. give me a break. You are a small player. Ask Royal. You are insignificant. why would they not pay you? Stop judging me for reacting to a situation that has never been presented to you. I was a model customer who was cheated and lied to for no reason except to avoid paying me. Yes it worked. But now everyone except dumb asses know what kind of people run Royal. Have some principal my man. Move on to a place that does not admit to slow paying winners. I promise we wont call you a fo;;ower. Dont take anything I say personally but you have no right trying to say that I tried to scam Royal. They lied and cheated me out of thousands and I reacted to this. I wanted to get them back and actually turned down their offer of admitting to lying about the tapes for 20 grand. Ask the shrink if you dont believe me. You are making a fool of yourself by supporting this crrok and his scam operation. Facts are facts.
First off, It doesn't make any difference to me whether I know you or not. If your going to make statements that aren't true and make false accusations, " That I work for Royal ", I'm going to call you out and I don't care who you are. I do know enough about your story to know how much $$ is at stake. I'm just saying, and How do word this, Its not the greatest idea in the world to mention on these kinds of forums on much your wagering or for that matter how much I'm winning. UNCLE SAM my friend is lurking. I don't care how much you wager or if you mention it on these forums. I'm just not going to do it.I'm sure your also trying to talk yourself into believing that Royal is only paying smal players. Thats just not true. There was a Post within the last week of a withdrawl of 8k. thats not a small player in my mind. You keep bringing up about the half point. Its not just about the half point. I mentioned 5 different reasons why I play their. Like I said I'm not going to lie and say I have had bad experiences at Royal when that hasn't happened just to go along with somebodys opinion. I will stick with them until their is a problem for me and hopefully that won't happen. For the record I have 22 shops that I play at. So I don't have to play their I just choose too. Another thing If I was a so called small player I would be hanging around for bonuses. I have never received a bonus at Royal. Actually David, I have never judged you on this issue. Your the one thats doing that.Check all of the threads.All I have ever done is call you out on your false accusations and tell my experiences at Royal. Nothing else

Jul 1, 2005
Just to be nice. Im sorry. I was lied to and cheated by Royal. This is fact that Royal admits. I lied about the tapes . Sorry. They deserved it. Playing at Royal is dangerous since Tej ran with the money before. Fact again. I think you should give your generous dollars to honest people, thats all. Take care.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Royal sucks, bottom line.

Anyone who plays there now deserves what could happen with that scammer owner.

Everyone knows all the BS there

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
David1 said:
Just to be nice. Im sorry. I was lied to and cheated by Royal. This is fact that Royal admits. I lied about the tapes . Sorry. They deserved it. Playing at Royal is dangerous since Tej ran with the money before. Fact again. I think you should give your generous dollars to honest people, thats all. Take care.
apology accepted, Hopefully the best of luck to you in the future.

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